Monday, June 25, 2007

Why B.E? Indeed!

A few days back, I went to an ad agency. All I wanted was to have a talk with a 'real' copywriter! And well, I got it too. She asked me why I had got into Engineering if I was so passionate about writing, and creating.

A professor from the English Department of PU had asked me the same question, when I had gone to show him a few writings of mine. He said that had I come to him after 12th, he would have advised me to go for literature instead.

I gave the same answer to both of them. That, Engineering was a natural progression for me. If you are a topper, it's obvious that you would take up Science (though I did have dreams of being a researcher too, and discovering something someday). Between Maths, and Bio you are allowed a choice. I chose Maths. And once in Non-Med, you take up the coaching classes, like everyone else. And so, you too are caught in the vortex of preparing for engineering entrances, aiming at IITs and accepting wherever you land.

During those two years, the subject I loved the most was English. Partly because we had an awesome teacher in Mrs. Anoop, and mainly because I have always so much loved it! I joked to many a friend that the one thing I was going to rue in Engineering was the opportunity to study English.And yet, not once did I then think, "Why am I going for Engineering?" It was simply the obvious choice. The only question everyone was anxious about was "Where" and "In what?" The "Why?" never even raised its head!

I was told, I still am, that Engineering would give me a security cover. That I can always go to other fields, "like advertising" later on, any time I want to. It's not so true however. I am a total novice in Advertising now, or in journalism. I am below par to the B.A. students who have studied these subjects during their graduation. So, I will have to struggle that much harder, first to gain an entry into the field, and then, to prove myself. So, if one knows for sure that they want a career in a different field, it actually makes more sense to go for an undergrad degree that trains them for that passion of theirs.

Perhaps the main pillar of the 'security' argument is that Engineering gets you sure jobs. Not many undergrad degrees can promise that. But even this contention is flawed. Sure, most Engineering grads are placed these days, thanks to the IT boom. But these are jobs in Software Engineering. Are you ready for that work? For your whole life? If not, then for higher studies in your chosen branch of engineering? And then work in that, for your whole life?

If not, if you tell yourself that you will work for a few years in engineering, and then change tack to something more suited to your interests, then why not start right away? Why spend some of your best and most productive and inspired years in something that doesn't inspire your passion?

I think that at that time I did not have the strength to swim against the tide, to go the opposite way to where all were going, and expected me to go.

Today, I am surer about myself. And so I accept, in retrospect, that Engineering was not the right degree for me. I could have been much happier in Literature or journalism or Mass Comm. I accept that, but I have no regrets. Because, I would not have been here had I not taken the Engineering route, and I am happy being where I am.

I am not unhappy about the choices I made, but I can’t sometimes help feeling like trapped in someone else's body.

As they say, experience is the comb you get after you get bald yourself.


- said...

Did I write that??? Why Engineering?? Or is it jus 'great minds think alike ' !!! :) keep rockin and writing!

- said...

Hehe nooo I ve not written any yet.. I jus meant 'aapne mere muhh ki baat chcheen li ' !!! ..
I think of the same things :)

~~Swing said...

jappi,,, as u are becoming the voice of the experiences of ur friends ...u have the potential to becom ethe voice of this society too... so keep writing and u are the writer of the being!!
hey,,i am presently in Denmark,,working with a foreign company and u will not believe taht we designed a reformer yesterday ...the first of my life and all others were so happy and in not a single attempt to let a second pass ...they clicked the print command and the smiles covered their faces...and were counting th worth of that reformer ..something around 2 crores or so..!!
But leave a smile apart...i was sinking inside me that i am so sad from inside that even other's happiness is just passing by me without even touching me..
Was just comapring a simple painting or a sketch of mine...
just a thought of it wud have given me so much happiness and a painting fills me with eternal joy!!
i have lived my life many times many times have have completed my paintings.
its all about passion and liking and what we want and what we do..

I am happy that i m financially this much independent that i can ask anyone what he/she wants in gift... but m letting the gifts of my passion being ruined away..
I have to see how long will it continue.!

Unknown said...

hi there
well well, why BE? i agree with you on the point that you should follow your passion. But when u have great grades and you know u can make it in the engg stream, at that age, we dont really give passions much of a thought:D

exact same thing happened with me. I was passionate about writing, but after i got my 12th result i knew i was goin to do engg:d I also loved physics. I had engg dreams back then, doing some research and all that. But 4 years and 8 semseters later, i thought that i didnt identify with that dream anymore. But it was during my stint in engg that i rediscovered my passion for writing thru blogging, and i nurtured it. writing led to photography and i discovered a creative side to me. But still like the mob i went ahead and took up that IT job. My passions continued on the side:D

finally today i have reached a stage where i can no longer continue doing what i am not passionate about, so im just following my passions. i guess the same is true of u too.

so wud like to conclude by saying that i wudnt regret doing BE, cus had i not done it, or had i not taken up that IT job, i wouldnt have had got the motivation to pursue my passions. and self motivation is the best motivation.

all the very best to you too:D

take care

Anonymous said...

arts grads are better equipped because they have studied these subjects over 3 years?

reminds me of the girl doing MA english in DAV college who had "jhaadi" written beside "bushes" in her poetry book.

Jay said...

Hi Pankaj...your comment made me revisit this post of mine after many, many months.

This post had been written when Infosys loomed in front of me, and I knew that I would have to join it and so will be trapped in there for at least one year (their bond period), and knew that I would not really be very happy there, but would join it still because I was just not clear about what else I could do with my time.

So, there was a certain helplessness and restlessness with which this post was written.

Now, After an year-and-a-half:

I am actually thankful for my Science background because it's given me the confidence that I can understand anything, that really, no subject is beyond me, if I choose to apply my mind to it. So, these days, I just follow my curiosity and go all over the net searching up stuff from all spheres.

I think that had I had an Arts background, perhaps I may have had a reluctance in touching topics related to Science, fearing that I may not understand them. And so, I would have been deprived of a really wide and exciting field of ideas.

So, in hindsight, I am really glad for the journey till now. Till the B.E. degree. Where I go now depends on me. If I fail to make a success of myself in a field that I want to, then the blame should be on me, not on my degree, not on the things that are already gone and so cannot be changed.