Monday, October 15, 2007

The Story Challenge- 5 by 30th

Dear Readers


In my last post, I had asked myself 'When will I explore?'

Well, I knew the answer- 'Now.'

Over the weekend, I've thought about it.

I've been writing quite regularly now. But my works are so unformed, so unpolished yet!

Take for example 'Unknown Intersections'. When the idea for this story had come, I had gone 'Wow!' It was a simple, beautiful thought- we may never know it, but our life as it is today may have been shaped by total strangers- faceless, unknown, unrecognised.

But, in its execution, I couldn't convey this idea powerfully. It had a lot of potential but I failed to do justice to it.

I had thought I would rewrite it this weekend. I haven't though.

What I've done this weekend is total relaxation. I'm feeling rejuvenated now. Refreshed.

I had started reading 'The Google Story.' A thought came in my mind- Sergey Brin and Larry Page got an idea- and that idea changed the world. It's affected each one of us. That's how powerful it was.

Isn't that the real creativity? I too think. I write. But what difference does it make? To me? To anyone?

But then, I realized the answer too- that it is those ideas that change the world that are passionately believed in.

No idea is big or small. It's just the faith in the idea that matters.

I realized that in my writing, I am not really setting myself free. I am writing quite a restrained prose. I am not quite letting my imagination soar.

It's only that way that I may get one idea, which may be really wild, but which will be so unique that I will proudly call it mine.

So, that's where the challenge lies!

So, my dear readers, I hereby challenge myself that by Oct 30, I'll post here 5 stories- stories that I'll try to make my best so far.

You'll be the judges of how far I would have succeeded.

Cya then :)

1 comment:

Married Woman said...

hii jappi,,,
don't think that what matters to any1 when u write?? ppl get their answers for the questions which they want to ask from i did. i wanted to ask u which book u are reading these days and i got the answer. I also hav ethat book and still to start reading it..
as a comments to ur this blog and also to u i wanted to add that m a little confused about the way u write and express urself...for u words are the life but isn't this the fact that a few things and statements can be said without words which shud be understood without putting them into words??? i have felt while reading u that the words create an artificial touch in the natural pop-ups..

u write in ur blogs the same way one writes in the diary ,,,in fact the more elaborative way..but don't u think writing the every feeling and expression is a repetition of that feeling which arosed some time back and has taken a new form by this time....and u still are still engaged in writing something which has gone away...!!
hey,, just a critic and also something that i wanted to discuss with u..but don't take my words the wrong way..
i will like to encourage u always...and move with u.!! u ar eon eof the trend-setters!!;)