Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Oxymorons Within

There's a part of me that speaks copiously, and hardly stops. I can go on and on and on. That's how many friends know me.

And, there's a part that is sparse with words. Only the words that are absolutely necessary must be used. It values understatements more than overexpressions. This is the part of me that is the writer. And, that is how I am, sometimes.

An oil-in-water mix of conflicting personalities. That's how I'd once read Octavia Butler describe herself. That's how I am.

1 comment:

Alistair D'souza said...

so are you working on something too.. or currently testing the waters with writing on your blog...

take a look at this book "writing down the bones freeing the writer within" by natalie goldberg..

oh yeah everyone is different in different situations.... and the flow of words vary in each..