Saturday, August 04, 2007

Rushdie's surrealism

"It conforms to that ancient rule of writing, which is: make it strange. If you're going to try to get people to see what you want them to see, you have to take them by surprise. You have to come at it in a way that gets past habituation, because we all have a deeply habituated way of seeing the world. In order to get us to see freshly, the writer has to catch habit off guard. You're right, there's a lot of information overload in there, but it's for that reason, as if to say: Suddenly it feels really odd and strange and surprising, and yet it's all true. Nothing is made up, you know. If it works right, it makes readers see afresh, see the world anew. That's what it's for."

Salman Rushdie on his book, Fury, in an interview

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