Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The things we think and do not say

A friend of mine recently had this status message on yahoo messenger. These evocative words have stayed, and resounded in my mind several times since.

The things we think and do not say...

The lesson that I've learnt in my life so far is that its always better to express your thoughts. There have been thoughts that I've tried to confine in my mind, maybe out of Ego, reluctance or even laziness, and such efforts have led to uneasy eddies within my self. And when, out of sheer inability to continue in that state any longer, I've expressed myself, tremendous relief has always resulted. Beautiful things have resulted from such expressions. And so, today, I firmly believe that one should always be straightforward, honest and expressive about his thoughts.

I have salvaged three of my most precious friendships this way. In each case, there had been a misunderstanding between my friend and me, and the communication between us was silenced. However, after some time, in each case, I had started feeling the pangs for the cracked bond, and so had decided to talk to my friend about it. And, in each case, that talk helped! I realized the view point of my friend, and that helped me see my wrongs. As a result, my antagonism vanished!

Sincerity is the vital pre-requisite for any successful bond between two people. And then comes expression. Its not enough to be sincere to a person, its important to provide reassurances too! "Actions speak louder than words." Of course. Because it is the actions which prove the sincerity. Hollow words are the mark of deceit and dishonesty, and such relationships never last. However, actions alone are not sufficient either! It is the words of care and affection that make music for the other person, and assure them of being loved and cared for. A mother devotes her whole being for the care of her baby, attends to his every need, and looks after him for every bit of time. And yet, the memories that haunt that baby years later are of the soft lullabies that his mother sang to him. This is the power of words!
If you like something in someone, tell them. Your complement may make their day! And if you didn't like something they did, tell them that too, though of course ensuring no hurt feelings. Make honesty the hallmark of such communications, and you'll be amazed at how words build bridges between people!

And, the biggest reason to say out your thoughts aloud is to free yourself from their captivity. If you don't let the cloud of your thoughts burst out, a brain storm keeps raging about the tantalising "If." "What would have happened if I had said what I thought?" Its any day better to 'talk your thought' and 'walk on.' The journey will only get better.

As a Post script, I must say that this blog is looking like a boon to me! Earlier, I would get random thoughts, and they would soon get lost in the clutter of my mind and then fade away to oblivion. Through this blog, I am actually musing about these thoughts and saying them aloud! Its after ages that I am writing so prolifically @ almost 1 article per day! And this has made me more keen and observant too, made me think about my viewpoint to every issue, because there is a place where that viewpoint can be expressed.

I'll quote myself in the end:

The things we think and do not say are lost for sure to the Past
While those said may become, the bricks of memories to last.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really liked the honesty of thoughts in ur way of expression.
Great work........
Proud of u japz!
Luv u!