Saturday, October 25, 2008

When upon a Stumbling Block

When a stumbling block drops
With a thud on your path
You may look back
And rue the false start.

Or you may brainstorm
To make it go away.
It finally will
And you walk on your way.

Stumbling blocks drop for a reason. They do not mean to stop you. They mean you to reassess.

I faced one yesterday. It made apparent to me one basic flaw that most of what I've written for my book till now has. For most of yesterday, I felt low, riddled with doubt, that maybe my idea was not so 'great' or 'unique' or 'important' after all. Even then, I knew that this mood did not mean 'giving up', that it was just my immediate reaction to a very important feedback on my idea, and that the faith would reassert.

It has, but now I can see that the project is bigger and grander than I was thinking it to be! And, to live up to its scope, I will have to work very very hard.

It's going to be an educational roller coaster henceforth. Ahead are the months of Intense Study and Hard Work. I will not be getting a degree for it, but my dream of being a researcher is going to be fulfilled.

This book will bring to fruition all these aspects of mine- the writer, the dreamer, the ideator, the researcher, the psychologist. It's going to enrich me. Immensely. It's an ideal first book!

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