Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Godly dimensions of Knowledge

So many times I feel so awed
By how little I know
There is so much to learn
And, so little time!

Whenever I think about this, a sudden frenzy overwhelms me. I imagine myself drinking in greedy large gulps from the ocean of knowledge. And, I despair, because I am not drinking fast enough and there is so much to drink that my life will fall too short.


Pankaj said...

and interestingly, the more you know, the more you realise, how little you know. the more you know, the more you cast away certainity and embrace doubt.

Pankaj said...

and thats a nice and paradoxical title "the godly dimensions..." because knowledge certainly takes away from God. Thats what you used that title right?

Jay said...

Hi Pankaj....welcome back to my blog :-)

I used this title just because Knowledge is as Infinite as God is said to be. And, as awe-inspiring too.

- said...

This is EXACTLY what is going through my mind, and this is EXACTLY What I wrote in my blog just now-> that I feel like time is running and I am getting really late..and I have to catch up on so much :)