Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Runner and the Biker Gal!

Now that I am running, and know that I'll be able to complete the Half Marathon in September, I am feeling grand!

Yesterday, I bought cargoes and a capri. I've always found a capri c-o-o-l and really sporty, and yesterday when I bought one for myself, it was with pride! I was not only gonna look sporty in them. I AM sporty all right! :)

Since a few days, I've had another idea. Once I'm back from my trip to home, I'm going to buy myself a cycle, and then, that's going to be my main mode of transport in Bangalore- not the buses, not the auto- but my cycle will take me everywhere. And I'll make sure it's a s-m-a-r-t cycle!

Yeh, the fancy has me all fired up! :)

1 comment:

Goli said...

You inspire me, I have always been thinking about getting a cycle and coming to office with it. The only big issues is the pollution though :)