Saturday, July 19, 2008

Eyes on the year ahead

Today, I watched 'The Motorcycle Diaries'- 2 medical students, one 23 year old, and another 29, decide to travel across Latin America on their rickety motorcycle, for adventure. Their journey brings them closer to Life, and its grim realities that were hidden from them in their cocoon of privileged existence, one of them becomes a revolutionary, Che Guevera.

I liked their idea of such a travel. I hope for a similar 'awakening' too, in the coming one year- my year of Adventure.

I am aware of how remote and sequestered an existence I am leading right now, just busy with a life of hedonism and self-indulgence. I have no knowledge, no opinion about most of what goes on.

There have always been some people around me whose encyclopedic knowledge wowed me. The first and the most profound influence has been Papa. Since childhood, I now realize, I have subconsciously modelled myself on him- his love for books, for newspapers, for libraries, for treks, for our culture, language, for intelligence- I think I've picked these traits up in my quest to be his perfect daughter. But, one thing that he has, and I don't, is the ability to discuss knowledgeably on a vast range of topics. I just sit mum and listen most of the times. He remembers the facts, as I have discovered so many people do, but, and that is a crippling handicap, I don't.

I don't remember facts. Most of the times, I will recall vaguely, "Yes, I had read something about that....something like this...." and so on, and what I produce from memory is an oversimplified version of the actual story, and it makes me feel 'dumb'.

The day before yesterday, I was reading a collection of Arundhati Roy's interviews. I did not like her sharp, high-pitched voice that I could almost hear shouting through the pages, but she had a voice. A powerful voice that made you hear it. The confidence in her words, in her thoughts, reminded me of Ayn Rand's 'The Fountainhead.' For the duration of my reading, she too had had me under her sway.

It is this confident voice that I lack. I like to see myself as a 'thinking individual', perhaps again, because Papa is one. But right now, I don't deserve that description. I am a very ordinary girl, who doesn't know most of what goes around her.

I hope to change that.


Unknown said...

hi there
i had seen a similiar series on Discovery Travel N Living once but it had Ewan Mcgregor(the hollywood actor) n his friend travelling across Europe, Russia and finally completing their journey in US. these shows are really inspiring, and really make us think of how life would be if we just took off one day:D

i am passionate bout travelling, and had always wanted to do a solo trip. i had enough time on my hand b4 college started so i took off to the hills of Uttarakhand to visit the Valley of Flowers and Hemkund Sahib this time round. it was just me and the travel itinery and my camera, out on a trip of a lifetime. Its been one of the best experiences i have had in years.

when i had a job, life really was a one track thing. Monotonous. but since my last day at office, life now has become a challenge, as i have finally got out of the comfort zone tht the job had provided me with. I guess the same is true in your case. Well all ill say is just be open to the adventure that lifes gonna be now:D

Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" really was an inspiring read. i just loved the passion with which she talked bout her philosophy and laid stress on the importance of using ur brains full capacity, rather than just fulfilling someone elses dream.

take care

Anonymous said...

boy can i relate to that!! just a few days ago my "about me" read - "i life my life by a profound philosophy, what it is i cant remember right now". i consider myself to be pretty well read, but i cant seem to synthesize all ive read too well, and the damn information deserts me just when i need it.

ive heard a number of arundhati interviews on youtube, and yes, she has a demenour of self assuredness. i guess it comes partly with age, partly with recognition (when youre put on a pedestial u dont feel the need to prove yourself anymore), and verbal and memory skills are also inherent.

u seem to have verbal skills of the written kind at least.

Jay said...

@td23: Wow! Tbat's the kind of adventure that I so want for myself. Solo trips are really fun! :)

@Pankaj: Thanks :)